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Current Tail Feathers

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Could Another America Revolution Be in the Making?

As the Virginia Lawsuit opposing Obamacare makes it way through the court system, VA's Attorny General Ken Cuccinelli goes on record defending the original colonies position to boycott the crown once again. Citing one of the offenses committed by the British Crown as justification for the current legal wrangling. If the American Colonists through off the British crown for similar over reaching could another American revolution be in the making?

What say you?

Amplify’d from
Obama’s Claiming More Power Over Americans Than King George III, Says Virginia Attorney General

“We now have a Congress and a president who believe they can order you to buy a product when King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain, whom we rebelled against, acknowledged that they could not,” Cuccinelli said in a video interview with

In his interview with, Cuccinelli pointed out that the First Continental Congress, convened by the American colonies in 1774, called for a boycott of British goods. When King George III and the British Parliament had the question legally analyzed by the British solicitor general, said Cuccinelli, they discovered that the colonists were within their legal rights to freely decide not to purchase a product—even if the king and Parliament would prefer that they did purchase it.

“Go across the Atlantic and King George III and the Parliament aren’t happy about this because their merchants are taking a beating on it, just taking a beating,” said Cuccinelli. “So, of course, they call their lawyer, what everybody does--then, as now, the solicitor general--and they had a conversation and determined that, in fact, the colonists were within their legal rights and that they couldn’t compel them to buy British goods.

“Now, go forward 236 years and you see where I’m going,” said Cuccinelli. “We now have a Congress and a president who believe they can order you to buy a product when King George III and the Parliament of Great Britain, whom we rebelled against, acknowledged that they could not.”

Cuccinelli concluded that it is not possible to believe the Founding Fathers of this country invested the new federal government they created after the American Revolution with a power they had rightfully refused to grant to the British Parliament and king before the revolution. 


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