Seed for the Searching Soul

Current Tail Feathers

Friday, December 16, 2011

"In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate -- look to his character." --Noah Webster

It is past time we start searching for the best candiate for elected office based upon their character. Just because the establishment political machine tells us a certain person can not win, remember WE THE PEOPLE are still the ones who decide such matters. In addition to choosing a representative based on character remember that all men are flawed, all fall short of expectation, each one is still a best a sinner. We should not place too much hope in any one man. Instead we should select members of congress as well as our President based on their character. If we choose rightly then we can expect to be ruled rightly. Haven't we had enough polished politicos and slick talking lawyers?

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